Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The "A" in RADIO: Adoption

Glen mentioned on Tuesday that “Adoption,” by definition, means to choose, or to make one’s own by selection; to take and rear, or to accept or act in accordance to an accepted principle. After we “reach out” to God—the first term of R.A.D.I.O. —he “adopts” us into His family. God picks us, He isn’t stuck with us. After reading Dr. Seuss’ The Starbelly Sneetches, Glen made the connection between the ethnocentric, or should I say starocentric, sneetches and people. Sometimes we get so caught up in the stuff we have, the clothes we wear, the people we are around and so many other pointless material things. I am guilty of this and sometimes it seems I can’t help but care about the stupid images of what the “ideal teen” is according to the media.

The parallel to the sneetches is obvious. But unlike the sneetches, we believe in God who, in turn, loves us regardless of “stars upon thars” or the strict criteria of this modern generation. Glen said “…it’s not the clothes who make me who I am.” Not the clothes but God’s “ridiculous” grace which we do not deserve.

Life starts when we are adopted into the family of God by his grace, and He will provide all we need to live it. Let’s attend to Glen’s challenge for us this past Tuesday and give it up, whatever it may be, that holds us back from loving God and loving others. Let’s live life booming and crazy-loud; maybe even as loud as a radio.

-- Abby Bush

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