Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The "D" in RADIO: Discipleship

Today was our third day in SLEW, and we came onto our third topic of R.A.D.I.O.--Discipleship. Most of what Glen talked about today was about having a mentor; having someone who would do anything for you, encourage you, pray with and for you, and be there for you. Our mentor should be someone who we look up to. Someone who we trust and who has similar ideas about life.

As Christians, we want people to see Jesus when they look at us. We try to act like Him, love like Him, and live like Him. Jesus is our mentor. When we need comfort, support, encouragement, love, or just to be held, Jesus is always there, and always will be. But sometimes He seems too far away to reach... and we need something more tangible. Something like a mentor. When we feel like we can't reach Jesus, we can reach out to others. They can help us through and share in the struggle.

Glen was able to connect all of our words in R.A.D.I.O with the D... discipleship. We adopt others into the family of Christ so we can reach to Jesus... and each other. We all need to "let go and let God." Everyone needs help, and you can find someone who can give it to you.

So make a list of attributes of people that you like. See how you would want your mentor to act, and write it down. You will be blessed if you can be discipled by someone else in the family of God.

-- Brie Rotelle

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