Thursday, September 16, 2010

The “I” in Radio: Involvement

The takeaways from Thursday morning had nothing to do with dancing, piggy-back rides, or the long lost brother of Menno Simons—although from the past three mornings, anything was possible—but rather Glen had for us three visuals to go along with his message. He had three objects made from clay: a terra cotta flower pot, an ornate candle holder that he borrowed from our campus pastor’s wash room, and a small, simple tea cup. He analyzed each object and showed us each of their differences and how their lone similarity was that they all were created from clay.

So what? Thursday’s focus was involvement. Like the clay objects, we as people are all unified by one similarity. We are humans, created by God, placed here on earth to further His Kingdom. Aside from this lone similarity, we are all created vastly different; we all have different gifts, talents, traits, and things that set us apart to do things that other people may not be able to do. Glen told us the story of a big event that he was heading up. He told us how there was a lady who came up to him at the end and asked if she could help clean up. He said this was one of the most impactful moments in his dealings with Involvement. She had no desire to be in the spotlight, she just wanted to help out and get things done.

We should strive to use our gifts, our differences, to reflect Christ’s light into the world; whether that means being “out in front” or being the “trash can.” The “trash can” imagery was used to demonstrate that even something as seemingly lowly as a person who helps out behind the scenes, or helps clean up when everything is done with are in fact just as important to the operation as the people who head it up. All that matters is that we become involved.

-- Andrew Gordon

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