Friday, September 25, 2009

SLEW Day 5: The Meaning of Worship

Today was the last day of Spiritual Life Emphasis Week with our speaker, Jim Ostlund. Over the course of this week, we have been challenged to ponder the meaning of worship, and how it reflects in our lives. After Maddie Ruth '10 and Mike Cunningham '10 lead us in music today, Jim offered the opportunity for an open-mic time of reflection.

So, what do you think about SLEW this year? SLEW is held twice every year, and chapel committee is always open to suggestions! Post a comment below!

1 comment:

  1. Just a couple of thoughts from today and the rest of this week:

    * We bring a lot of energy and passion to our interactions at the lunch table. Do we bring the same passion and energy to our interactions with God?

    * Worship isn't about us. It's not about what we like, what we want. It's about what we can offer to God. I loved it when a student shared that the music at a recent service was "lame," but he still had one of the best worship experiences ever. That is awesome.

    * We were challenged to find joy in other people's joy. That is a good word for our school, and for our churches.

    * Discover God in the "small things"!
