Wednesday, September 23, 2009

SLEW Day 3: Worship that Connects

This morning, Mr. Derstine opened in prayer and led us in "Longing for Light" and "Hallelujah, the Great Storm is Over" with Alyssa Aldefer '11, Landon Heavener '10, Mike Cunningham '10, Ben Richter '10, Maddie Ruth '10, Vince Pupillo '10, Katie Martin '11, and Laura Keppley '10. It was also Pastor's Day, so many of our pastors joined us for our morning classes, chapel, and lunch. Our speaker, Jim Ostlund, reminded us of our own diversity as a student body, and asked us to consider a worship service that can incorporate and connect with everyone.

Hopefully, we will give ourselves a chance to think about this tomorrow as we separate for one day. Tomorrow, we will have the option to go either to a worship service in the auditorium, write letters to Dock Woods residents, journal by the pond, take photographs around campus, join a group prayer in the prayer room, or join a hymn sing in the theatre.

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