Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What will we make of our time together?

Lamentations 3:22-23
Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Welcome to the first chapel of this new year! In a series of many "firsts" for our incoming freshmen and new students, chapels will become your first glimpse into Dock's spiritual life. As Mr. King led us in an opening prayer, Morgan Kratz and Ben Richter welcomed the 2010-2014 classes, Mr. Derstine led us in worship, and Dr. Swartzentruber took his place as our new principal, each challenged us with these questions:

What is this place?

What has brought us here?

And, what will we make of our time together?

Chapels are our time to reflect within ourselves, to find fulfillment and comfort in words and song. They can be times to honor the accomplishments of fellow students and teachers, or start class discussion the next period. They can be strange. They can be boring. They can be amazing.

If you have the energy to sit up and keep your eyes open, take the time to look around and wonder...what will you leave behind?

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